Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to your next Social Studies project!!!

Over the next few days we will be exploring the Spanish-American War and more importantly the impact of Yellow Journalism on the War!

So lets get started!


One of the main causes of the Spanish-American War was the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine off the coast of Cuba. Look at this map and locate Cuba.

Now watch this video to get a sense of what happened to the U.S.S. Maine

Now that you have watched the clip I want you to answer the following questions (do this by adding a comment after this post):
  • What was the U.S.S. Maine?
  • What happened to it?
  • Why would this upset people?
  • What would you want done after this happened (what actions would you want your government to take?)

  • If you need to, please rewatch the video so that you can fully answer the questions.

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